
This is what I write.

Fibonacci Sequence in Python

Who knew it could be so easy and gratifying?

In case anyone ever wanted to know how to run the Fibonacci Sequence in Python, here’s how I did it:

Panel on Voting

Vote or Die! That's convincing...

A while back, I was fortunate enough to participate in a panel discussion on Third-Party voting, hosted by Dave Glover on 97.1 Talk radio in St. Louis.

Find Directory and File Size in a Terminal

This is something that should be in your toolbelt!

Here’s a really handy command that I tend to forget exists.

I'm Back!

I bet this won't be the last time I say that.

I know, it’s been a while. But, I’ve restructured, refreshed, and reworked my blog. Should be awesome! Yay!

Another Year, Another Round

Each year, we pick our opponent. Each year, we pick the size, weight, strength, and reach of our heavyweight contender. Each year, we decide who we’ll match up with in our title fight.

Search Wikipedia Ultra-Fast from a Terminal

I love Linux! There’s no two ways about it! For the past few years, I’ve become enamored with the open-source jewel that is Linux.

Blast from the Past

Here’s a video that @brockthoward and I put together back in the day. It’s easily one of my favorites that I’ve been a part of!

Investment for the Future?

As I write this I’m sitting in a carX waiting room, using a free wi-fi connection (a nice 25mbps, by the way), sipping on some free coffee, and feeling a touch defeated.

Daddy, What was it Like?

If you’re unfamiliar with who I am, or what’s going on in my life, you may not know that my beautiful wife, Brandy, and I are expecting a daughter. Whoa!! I’m just going to let that sink in for a minute…

Draggin' Butt

Have you ever had one of those days where you just felt like your feet were dragging, no matter what you were doing? I’m not talking about just a little tired, or just feeling a bit off here. Think about being completely exhausted. Think about being totally stretched past your limits. This was my day today.

Reflections on Genesis 3

I was listening to my audio Bible in the car today, and I had a thought in passing that I would like to share with you all. Please note, this is mostly based on speculation. Please do not take my thoughts and interpretation as Law or Inspired. They are not.

Belkin N+ Wireless Router

We moved!!! We moved across our apartment complex into a 2-bedroom unit! Now we have a library/office/guest-room. Not only did we upgrade our living arrangement, but we upgraded our Internet Service, as well.

Who Wants to Move to Kansas?

Anyone else excited about Google Fiber?

The Times, They are a-Changing…


Planning Pothole

I totally understand that little girls always fantasize about their dream weddings.